TRMS band concert prep.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS Fine Arts Concerts this week and next week. Tonight is band. All cocncerts can be found on line using our live feed link.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Mrs. Wiehn's classes revealed the mummified remains of their Pharaoh apples today after 40 days in baking soda and salt.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
PE ping pong championship day!! Students are battling in the spot light arena!🏓
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Selected orchestra students participated in the ECKMEA Honor Orchestra groups on Saturday at Olathe West High School.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
FCS 8th graders shopping for our Christmas Angels. Love these kids showing their Husky Pride and helping those in need.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Here are a couple photos from the ECKMEA Mid Level Honor Band held at Blue Valley High school. This event took place today and culminated with a concert at 1pm. Trail Ridge students are Kennedie Turley (8th Grade) and Isabelle Blochlinger and Jackson Fry
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS gr 7-8 interest meeting fot the play. Thank you Mrs Wilhite and Mrs Mulford.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Disguise a turkey vote in gr 5.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Gr 5 McCoy and Silvestre settings goals with their students. This is a life skill.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Girls basketball team breakfast! Happy Friday!
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS Treble Makers sing the National Anthem.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Getting ready for the National Anthem. Fun picture.
about 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
7th grade Fun Friday! Rewarding hard work & showing our Husky Pride!
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Mr. Chuck Cape sharing with some of our 6th grade classes about his experience in the Vietnam War. His stories are recorded in the Library of Congress in Washington DC.
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Former Trail Ridge students and Writers' Workshop members Lilly Stuart, Michael Williams-Seybert and Grace Taylor came back to TRMS to share about their experiences at GEHS with our Writers' Workshop club. They shared about some writing opportunities at the high school and gave some general advice and answered questions.
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
With the cold weather looming, your kiddos are probably going to start wondering where their jackets (and hoodies! So many hoodies) have gone! Please take a look and see if you recognize anything!
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
World Series Champions in PE class yesterday. We even had a hot dog race!! GO HUSKIES.
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
World Series Champions in PE class yesterday. We even had a hot dog race!! GO HUSKIES.
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Getting ready for TRMS girl's basketball tonight.
over 2 years ago, Trail Ridge Middle